Monday 5 December 2011


Been slowly making changes to the way I display my images on the blog. It is hard work taking photos of my building process and making sure everything looks decent on the web for those of you who are browsing my site and I certainly don't want my photos to be plagiarized without my permission.

Thus, I have added a small, unobtrusive watermark to my photos. Faint enough not to deter your viewing pleasure yet irritating enough for those who use my photos without asking.

I have also trimmed down my photos from the original sizes and resolution to about a third. This actually reduces my file size by anything from a sixth to an eighth of the original size. Certainly helps a lot in uploading times and maintaining my blog site far into the future.

So, if you find any pages looking weird or with photos missing, do drop me a message to let me know so I can rectify as soon as I can...away from work of course! 8)

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