Monday 26 December 2011

Lego Modular 10218 Pet Shop Part 3

Hope everyone enjoyed your Christmas holiday...with one more to go tomorrow! Let's finish up the left apartment today and view it in totality!

Starting on the third level.

The garden outdoors at the balcony.

Building up the frames.

The wall looks really good with the translucent bricks.

Layer of red bricks for the slanted roof look!

Finishing touches...including the
swing open doors to the tiny porch area.

Front view...with great color coding!

Rear view with door and lamp for the outdoor garden.

Weird view from the top of the stairs...
And joining it all together...after the quick assembling of the roof...

What else can I say?

Closer look at the roof...comes with chimneys for...thin Santa?

I'm sure it's nice to take a nap up there or at the garden.

Another view...really shiny walls!

"Thanks for viewing! I shall take a walk
next door to the Pet Shop! Come join me!"

Be sure to join me next time for the Pet Shop itself!

1 comment:

  1. Wow it is really nice and now I know that you like Lego ^_^
