Sunday 25 December 2011

7952 Kingdoms Advent Calendar 2010 Part 3

Very delayed post!! It has been kept in the draft for quite a while and I totally forgot to upload it as I made changes to it gradually! Today being Christmas, I thought I should put in some effort to finish it up! So here's the final part with the last 10 days of the advent calendar!

Day 15 - Weapon and Armor Rack

For the knight to grab all the barang barang when the alarm sounds ......

Day 16 - Bar Maiden

"No knight in this town dares to skip my infamous ale!"

Day 17 - Tankard of ale

Source of infamous ale!

Day 18 - Pot with apple

Traditional method of preparing apple juice......with a knife!

Day 19 - Pikeman

"Ya come within my pike range, ya get poked! Ya got it?"

Day 20 - Catapult

"........" (Catapults don't speak......)

Day 21 - Owl on Tree

"Hoot, hoot...shouldn't I be in Harry Potter? Hoot hoot"

Day 22 - Crossbowman

"Tell me I look cool! Look at the cool shadow formed from my pose!
I soooo ooze coolness!"

Day 23 & 24 - Wizard and Alchemy Table

"Some say I'm like Merlin, others call me Gandalf...
behold, my latest trick...half-boiled eggs!"

A round up to end the advent calendar!

The initial arrangement after Part 1.

Queen didn't like the spears pointing at her...

The boxes I bought from Daiso to keep the stuff in.

Final lineup of the advent calendar...look at all the smiles!

The rest of them, with the menacing stuff around to keep skele in check...

Well, that's it! Too bad I did not manage to finish the other two advent calendars, but I will be sure to post it after my boys are done opening it all! Have yourself a merry little Christmas, everyone!

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