Tuesday 27 December 2011

Lego Modular 10218 Pet Shop Part 4

Here's to the next building, the Pet Shop itself and the apartment above it! Mostly blue in color with a really creative roof top!

Once again...many pieces on display.

The alternate color tiles makes the place look so cheerful!

Dogs to the front and the cats behind please...ka ching!

Huge fish in the tank...not much space to move around eh?

Parrot 1:"Nice display!"
Parrot 2:"Nice display!"

Seems like a view from the CCTV (focussed on cash register).

Stairs to nowhere...ooh....ahh....

Hugh lamp to light up stairway.

Back view complete with trash bin etc.

Top view and you can see the details and myriad of colors!

Getting ready to place the "signboard"!

How ingenious is that!

The smooth tile layer signals the completion of this part.

Overview of the ground level that is the shop itself.

View from the back door...useful entrance
to prevent parrots from noticing.

From the top of the stairway...great view!

Impressive shop isn't it? Haven't seen so much details and colors in a while. Next up will be the second level!

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