Saturday 24 December 2011

Lego Modular 10218 Pet Shop Part 2

A day before Christmas! Hope everyone has done their last minute Christmas shopping (with some Lego gifts for your loved ones!)

On to the next 4 packets that are used to complete the rest of the left brown apartment.

Another massive number of pieces that needed sorting out.

Constructing the second level.

Base to prepare for the various structures.

I am very impressed with the well-thought out stairway construction,

Killer litter hanging outside windows......

Looks like the level is not ready for move-in yet!

"Now why am I painting the brown wall using white paint?"

Still love those windows!

An isometric view...don't you love these modular buildings?

Another close up shot...and to check on the painter...

Completed with the connecting layer of smooth bricks.

Not neglecting the back view.
I am sure it looks great living in there!

Connecting the ground levels to the second level...lovely!
Phew! Been doing more images per post recently. Hope to inspire some of you to go out and grab a Pet Shop as a gift to yourself today!

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