Saturday 31 December 2011

Lego Modular 10218 Pet Shop Part 7

Twenty more minutes to a New Year here in here's an early Happy New Year from me to everyone out there!

2012 will be another challenging year ahead for many and amidst all the gloom and doom (somewhat!), I hope everyone will remember to take care and try to find little things to be joyful about so as to keep yourself going.

The last post I shall make for 2011...and that is to conclude the modular Pet Shop with a few photos.

The completed Pet Shop itself!

A brighter view?

Rear shot (with my phone shadow of course!).

Finally...the two together...

The backyard of the two buildings.

A close up shot of life on the pavement of the community.

Sitting nicely on my shelf...awaiting dust to arrive...
And so that concludes my biggest build of the year and so far in my short Lego-building session. Thanks to everyone who has popped in to look at my blog and (possibly?!) some regulars who check in to see what I have to offer from time to time.

Here's to a peaceful and cheerful 2012. Once again...


Friday 30 December 2011

Lego Modular 10218 Pet Shop Part 6

Well, another day more to New Year's Eve. How quickly the year has gone by...and soon I will not have so much time to blog and build my Lego again...sad...

Nevertheless, here's to Part 6 (phew!) of the Pet Shop!

The third storey in construction.

Let's just say the travelled?

Comfortable looking single bed with a lamp
perched dangerously on the rails...

The design above the windows really
caught my eye when I first saw the cover art.

Another can see the third story is mostly wasted space.

The completed front look...nice...

As usual, the top layer is in place for the roof.

Cannot resist another shot of the window top.

The rear is kinda plain.

The beginnings of a roof...with a "glass" opening
to gaze at the stars while in bed!

Complete with rails and the chimney top all the way from the second storey.

A shot from the top...check out the chimney...and the wasted space!

Will be back to close the story on the modular Pet Shop!

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Lego Modular 10218 Pet Shop Part 5

Few more days to the New Year!! And here's the next part of the Pet Shop itself!

The last 4 packets of the 10218!

The base of the second floor...with the beginnings of a fireplace.

An interesting collection of household items on the left wall.

Let's see...pan, stove, oven, sink, tap, coffee maker
all neatly tucked at the side!

Door from the ground floor.

Pillars up and of course, the stairway to nowhere...

A nice mug and rotating chair to warm up beside the fireplace.

More killer litter on the outside of the windows.

The rear view of the second storey.

An isometric view.

Smooth tiles added for daily removal of the whole block.

Ah...I forgot about the clock...

Can't get enough of it yet?

Connecting the two levels together.

The rear view of course!

The third storey next time round!

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Lego Modular 10218 Pet Shop Part 4

Here's to the next building, the Pet Shop itself and the apartment above it! Mostly blue in color with a really creative roof top!

Once again...many pieces on display.

The alternate color tiles makes the place look so cheerful!

Dogs to the front and the cats behind please...ka ching!

Huge fish in the tank...not much space to move around eh?

Parrot 1:"Nice display!"
Parrot 2:"Nice display!"

Seems like a view from the CCTV (focussed on cash register).

Stairs to nowhere...ooh....ahh....

Hugh lamp to light up stairway.

Back view complete with trash bin etc.

Top view and you can see the details and myriad of colors!

Getting ready to place the "signboard"!

How ingenious is that!

The smooth tile layer signals the completion of this part.

Overview of the ground level that is the shop itself.

View from the back door...useful entrance
to prevent parrots from noticing.

From the top of the stairway...great view!

Impressive shop isn't it? Haven't seen so much details and colors in a while. Next up will be the second level!