Saturday 3 September 2011

Borders 50% Sale @ Singapore Expo

Yes and I was there at about 2 plus in the afternoon. Parking was smooth unlike the NATAs Fair horrific scene over the previous weekend.

Stepped into the hall and I was shocked to see the sheer number of people......queuing up! The line snaked many times and around the hall before it eventually got to the cashier. Met a friend there who told us it was at least a 2 to 3 hour queue.

No pictures to show anything here as I had to bribe my kids with entertainment on the phone so they could survive the ordeal. Eventually, my wife and I managed to find several interesting books and decided to take turns staying in the queue. Started at about 3.40pm or so and finally arrived at the cashier close to 5.45pm.

For those who are interested in going, there was still half a hall of unopened boxes of books. I think they will open a set number of boxes everyday to add to those already on display so you don't lose out even if you go down on the last day. For me, I am very happy with my seven Raymond E. Fiest books!

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