Monday 29 August 2011

Lego Creator 6751 Fiery Legend Red Dragon Part 5

The final part is more of a mini showcase of the Red Dragon. I certainly enjoyed putting the Dragon together and it is currently keeping all the rest of the Legos in check with it's ferociousness!

On to the poses!

The "back shot" in all its glory!

"Nice to meet you, interested in some roasted lamb?"

For some unknown reason, it looks so pitiful in this shot!

Check out the light brick that is activated at the back of the head to simulate the fire breath (by my finger).

"And I open my mouth like this, Arrrrr"

"And the flames rush out to incinerate anything in front of lamb, anyone?"

To cap it all up with aerial shots.

A little unnatural

Much better... and it soars off to perform its guard duty.

That's all for the series on the Red Dragon. Will probably do a shorter one next round before bringing out the big items again.

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