Monday 1 October 2012

Unbelievably long absence!

Hi everyone! I am finally back after a long 10 months....well, 9 months actually! Every time I wanted to start typing, something inevitably pulls me away from this place.

Surprisingly, there is still a small number of random folks who chance upon my site and continue to take a peep in here. Thanks to all who have somewhat kept it going even though you may not be regulars!

It has been a busy time away from blogging and "legoing" too. I did not fix up many sets as I selectively made my purchases and did not go crazy like last year. As it is, there are still many unopened sets in my storeroom.

Now that I am starting to get back to a bit of Lego, I am also starting on my books again. Another interest that I had in the past is also resurfacing in the form of Magic the Gathering. Need to spend some time catching up on my Anime and gaming.

So little time and so much to do....let's get started!

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