Monday 1 October 2012

9469 LOTR Gandalf Arrives

I shall begin my first blog in nine months with the new Lord of the Rings series! Got my hands on the simple Gandalf Returns set which shows the scene at the beginning of the scene in the Shire in the Fellowship of the Ring. Yup, way before Gandalf changes colour and Frodo knew what in the world he was getting himself into!

The intriguing front cover...

The back showing Frodo and Gandalf with the horse! Of course!

Two simple packets, one manual and "the" horse!

A simple set to assemble, got it done in no time. Here are some of the pics of the open carriage with the many accessories inside!

Carrot, Fireworks, Letter, name it, he's got it!

A closer look at the goodies.

Adding horsey into the picture.

"Watch me pose, neighhhhh!"

It was great fun seeing the two larger than life characters in the movie become...minifigs!

"Music in background"
Frodo:"Gandalf! What brings you here?"

Gandalf:"Frodo Baggins! You seem to have...grown! (shorter....sniggles....)"

Gandalf:"Here Frodo, go feed the horse while I take a look around and  talk to some folks."
"And DON'T touch my things, little one...or incur the wrath of the mighty, tiny wizard!"

Frodo:"Yeah right, like I wouldn't. Let's see, page 45,
'how to  climb up a horse carriage even though you are short spell'!

Gandalf:"Frodo Baggins, have you been touching something you ought not to?"
Frodo:"Er....nope, whatever gave you THAT idea?"
Gandalf:"Cos no reasonably tall hobbit has ever climbed onto my carriage before,!!"

Ah well, that will teach you folks up there to mess with a wizard's stuff....till next time!

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