Thursday 29 October 2015

Lego Modular 10211 Grand Emporium Part 2

Wanted to blog this on the day of the grand opening of the 4th LCS in Vivocity and from what I understand, most of the limited stocks have all been scalped. It's kinda sad that normal builders and family purchasers are unable to have the chance to own something like Trick or Treat sets, or Wall-E sets for that matter.

Back to focus on the Grand Emporium today. Many interesting things to see and observe on the interior of the ground floor. There is the cashier in the middle, the dressing room by the corner, table in the middle to display wares and of course, the important escalator to move up to the next level!

To be honest...not a whole lot of space for shoppers!

 A better view of the display case models and rotating doors.

The rear exit of the complex...a little too narrow for emergencies!

So much for the first storey! Let's move on to see what's next in store!

The outer view of the majestic second storey. 

I must say the second storey looks really good on the outside with all the intricate pillars and large windows. The diagonal flags certainly add flavour to the overall appearance!

The rear corner view that looks...blank as usual! 

The large interior can be seen from here.

Interestingly, the emporium has a rather limited shopping area within its walls! If you thought the ground floor was tight, the second floor is sparse! I feel that the empty space next to the escalators are a little too prominent! Perhaps showing less of it will result in more mall space!

A clearer view of just two displays!

Finally, the two levels come together...Nice!

Now you can feel the emptiness even more...but the view is working

The view on the escalators from the side emphasizes its importance

That's all for now once again. Til next time!

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