Thursday 1 October 2015

Lego Modular 10211 Grand Emporium Part 1

Finally, I get to start posting on the Grand Emporium that I have bought and started building about 2 years ago. I stopped at the second level and left it there for a really long time before finishing it up recently. Partly also due to the fact that I wasn't in a particular rush to finish it up cos I got it by chance. Didn't know it was going to be out of stock that soon.

A new photo of an old box.

2182 pieces! Really enjoyed the build as its full of interesting pieces that really give it a classy look. The ground floor consists of quite a few items to look at. Incidentally, as this was an older purchase, it still belongs to the old modular line and does not have the new Creator Expert tag on the box.

The huge, yellow "SHOP" really catches the attention!

Nice Green Shades!

We have the general bin to the left and an ice-cream seller just outside the store! Nice and shady place to peddle his wares! Check out the flower pots and wall lamps.

Notice the happy shopper coming through the revolving doors, carry the purchases.

I really like the mannequinns modelling the clothing and being so prominently displayed on the other side of the emporium. Just what I would imagine looking at if I were walking along the side walk. Again another flower pot in the middle with a lamp post and a mail bin. The tiles on the ground are really good-looking too.

We will take a look at the inside the next time!

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