Sunday 30 October 2011

7952 Kingdoms Advent Calendar 2010 Part 2

Slightly long overdue...commitments from work have prevented me from posting much. So here's to the next part of the advent calendar that I have been opening with the kids in the lead up to Christmas.

Day 8 - Throne

The right throne for royalty...color coded too!

Day 9 - Treasure Chest

Shiny baubles lie in wait, usually acting as a bait......

Day 10 - The pig and the apple

Pig: "Oink, oink! Snort!"
Apple : "......"

Day 11 - Prison wall (part of?)

For those who seek the glory of conquest or perhaps the shiny baubles of two days past.

Day 12 - Skeleton

Skeleton: "Hey! It's Halloween and I deserve a decent appearance!"
Editor: "Guards! Free the bony one and take a decent photo."
"Back so soon!! Boo Hoo!!"

Day 13 - The Prince

"What is it, that I seek?
Could it be found, in stone and bound?"

Day 14 - Sword in stone (Excalibur?)

By some silly knight who stuck his blade in there and never  found out how to retrieve it.

And to mark the end of part 2 with the strange assortment of seven items...

And the prince, emulating King Arthur of times past, struggles to pull the blade out.
"And it's mine, at last! Ha!"
(Good thing he didn't know about the silly knight story!)

To the last ten!

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