Sunday 16 October 2011

7952 Kingdoms Advent Calendar 2010 Part 1

Do you know what an advent calendar is? I sure didn't until I became an AFOL (adult fan of lego) almost half a year ago.

An advent calendar is something used in the lead up to Christmas to kick off the preparations and sustain the fun and anticipation. It comes in the form of a 24 lot container that will be opened from the 1st to the 24th of Dec. What folks would put into these advent calendars would be mostly sweets, candies, small gifts that can fit in or even small notes or letters!

What lego has done was to come up with an advent calendar of their own using the same concept and I was really intrigued by it, which was why I hunted for the 2010 Kingdoms set and also bought this years 2 sets immediately when they came out.

A magical 24 days awaits you......
More magic from the back cover art

Well, I thought since I have three sets, why not start Christmas celebrations early? Thus, I began opening the Kingdoms calendar with my boys starting from last Saturday. It was fun for them getting these small little "gifts" which they could build and add on to the collection.

The floor map and the 24 perforated compartments waiting to be opened

I had a lot of fun checking out the items every time one lot is opened up. Had intended to post daily on what was obtained but found it difficult, so I will attempt a 6-8 days periodic update.

Here we go!

Day 1 - Blacksmith

"Watch me dual-wield hammers!"
A little pose to reveal hooded back

Day 2 - Blacksmith forge

The soul of the blade forged from the might of the flames

Day 3 - Weapon rack

"And I finished the spear, a pole arm, a shield...hmm, what's next?"

Day 4 - Black warrior

"Watch me dual wield morning stars!"
More menacing from the side!

Day 5 - Helmet and Armor (w stand)

The magical suit of armor...left carelessly lying in the snow near the Christmas tree

Day 6 - Spears on wheels!

Deadly medieval contraption

Day 7 - Queen

"Hello, my beloved subjects! Don't ask me why I am carrying a frog. 
Instead, ask what the frog is doing in my hand."

And a nice round up on a nice stand.

"Gonna get crowded around here."

Till the next update!

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