Monday 29 August 2011

Lego Creator 6751 Fiery Legend Red Dragon Part 5

The final part is more of a mini showcase of the Red Dragon. I certainly enjoyed putting the Dragon together and it is currently keeping all the rest of the Legos in check with it's ferociousness!

On to the poses!

The "back shot" in all its glory!

"Nice to meet you, interested in some roasted lamb?"

For some unknown reason, it looks so pitiful in this shot!

Check out the light brick that is activated at the back of the head to simulate the fire breath (by my finger).

"And I open my mouth like this, Arrrrr"

"And the flames rush out to incinerate anything in front of lamb, anyone?"

To cap it all up with aerial shots.

A little unnatural

Much better... and it soars off to perform its guard duty.

That's all for the series on the Red Dragon. Will probably do a shorter one next round before bringing out the big items again.

Sunday 28 August 2011

Lego Creator 6751 Fiery Legend Red Dragon Part 4

Making an exception and going into more than trilogies.

Getting into the mechanism of the wings

The connection to the main body

Part of the frame that extends from the connector

How both look like

The longer side of the frame with the hooks/spikes

And finally, the complete picture

The left wing attached at three points

Similar right wing with an equally nice texture

"I'm NOT flying without wings!"

I shall conclude with a fifth part to showcase more images of the completed dragon in all its glorious poses.

Friday 26 August 2011

My Package Arrives!

My package from the USA finally arrived!

And guess what's inside beneath all that foam??

My new set of Lego! The 6754 Creator Family Home!

Cannot find this in Singapore anymore so had no choice but to order from fellow Lego lovers at Bricklink. Can't wait to fix it up but I know it will probably have to wait while I clear my huge collection of lego one at a time!

Lego Creator 6751 Fiery Legend Red Dragon Part 3

Back to the tale of the Red Dragon......

Starting with the attachment of the limbs.

My Right Leg

My Left Leg

Look Mum! No Hands!!

More limbs and claws (and I think the white pieces really look good on the dragon!)

My Right Arm (with claws!)

My Left Arm (with more claws!!)

"Grandma, what long fingernails and toenails you have!"

"Better to skewer you with, my dear!" Rrrggh!

Starting to look good!

Saturday 20 August 2011

Lego Sales @ United Square

Just went to United Square to have breakfast with the family. Shopped around for a while before joining in the TRU sale downstairs. When we arrived at 11 plus,the crowd was crazy, with long queues to go in and to pay. By the time we went down at about 1 plus, there was no longer any queue.

Not many sets left so grabbed some small sets and the Ben 10 ones for the kids. Managed to get the last piece of Emperor Palpatine's Shuttle (hidden at one corner!). Most of the stuff I got were around 40 to 50% off retail. Ah well, some discount is better than none especially when it's better than Metro's 20%.

Got a huge backlog of Lego to fix now!

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Lego Creator 6751 Fiery Legend Red Dragon Part 2

On to the mainframe or the body of the dragon.

The base of the upper body

Slowly forming up

Completed with spikes and body armor!

A top down view

Head attached to it

And the lower body consisting of the flexible tail (formed from two segments)

Looks like a space rocket...hmm...

It's a worm, no...its a slug,'s 6751 Fiery Legend! Gasp!

Will move on to the rest of the limbs next time!

Sunday 7 August 2011

Lego Creator 6751 Fiery Legend Red Dragon Part 1

Remember the shadow posted a while ago?

That was when I finished my first creator set that I bought and I thought it would generate some excitement! As usual, it took me a while before I could start my blogging on something I had already built!

Well, better late than never, so here's introducing the Red Dragon build of the 6751 Creator series!

Really cool cover! Had to buy it the moment I saw it!

The three possibilities from this Creator set.

The contents of the set. 4 big packets and 2 smaller ones plus one specially for the wings. Of course, the three different building instructions are there for the Medieval Red Dragon, Oriental (?) Dragon and Dragon Robot builds.

Tried to squeeze everything into the picture

And everything begins from the head......

Nice teeth from the bottom jaw

You don't want your finger in there

Completed head (isometric view)


The frontal view showing the horns and green eyes

That's all for now folks!

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Lego Products

Bought three large sets during the Metro sales over the weekend. At 20% off, it's always a good time to buy the usual larger retail set and enjoy a lightly better rate than any of our local stores selling lego exclusively. Now of course is to find the time to actually build them......

Also, spotted at Popular (Thomson Plaza), lego books that can be bought with 10% discount for usual Popular card holders. Grabbed the 2011 Lego annual, Star Wars Brick Master (the last set I saw there), Harry Potter Lego stickers and the Atlantis activity book. Did not buy the Atlantis Brick Master but will probably grab it someday.

I also bought a copy of Brick Journal at Secret Chamber and found out that there are e-versions of the magazine on sale at the parent website. You can find out more over at

Lego City 7498 Police Station Part 3

Here's to the final part of the huge police station that is the largest item by far that I have built with my sons.
I will be focusing on the right tower attachment with the helipad on the rooftop.

The right tower is built as a separate attachment on a different base plate. Both sides are joint together at the base plate and a connector in the middle.

The "glassy" look

Perfect spot for the police helicopter

A closer up side view

Rear view of the tower

We'll move on to the first storey where the security screens are located.

External side view of the three stories and the equipment

Nice view of the plant through the full glass panels

Swivel seat for viewing security cameras (with a mug of coffee for the late nights)

The second and third storey where investigations take place.

The stolen goods as evidence

Say cheese...there...a mugshot at its best

A coffee maker and water dispenser

Seriously, it's a nice view out there!

More evidence checking at work

And lastly, a full shot of the whole police station. A nice structure indeed for endless hours of play for the children.

Till the next post!