Tuesday 14 June 2011

Kim's Restaurant

Had lunch yesterday for the second time @Kim's Family Restaurant, an authentic Korean Restaurant located at Jalan Kilat, somewhere near Beauty World Center. Great food at reasonable prices and best of all, the 12 small side dishes (free and refillable!) you get to savour before the main dishes come in. No pics to show as I was too busy eating and forgot entirely about taking photos!

Took a walk at nearby Beauty World Center after that and discovered all the stuff you only see in the older shopping centers in Singapore. Lots of tuition and textile shop types over there and some of the shops certainly made me feel like I had travelled back in time.

To end the evening, I went berserk and rented six movies from MJ Multimedia at Causeway Point to catch over the next few days. Well, as of now, 2 down and 4 more to go......

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